The Beginner’s Guide to Holistic Medicine—and Exactly How It Works

Although many Americans once scoffed at untraditional healing practices, a number of people are now dipping their toes into the trend of holistic healing. When used in tandem with Western medicine, they are called “complementary practices”—they are only considered “alternative” when used instead of Western medicine.

What Is Holistic Medicine?

Holistic medicine takes into account the whole person. It’s a form of healing that considers the mind, spirit, and emotions in addition to the body.

A nationwide survey by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health released in 2018 shows that the number of American adults and children using yoga and meditation has significantly increased over previous years and that use of chiropractic care has increased modestly for adults. The use of meditation increased more than threefold among U.S. adults from 4.1 percent in 2012 to 14.2 percent in 2017.

If you haven’t gotten on the holistic bandwagon, it may be time to at least learn about your options. From treating anxiety to lower-back pain to tension headaches, these practices have been called natural cure-alls. Here are nine of the top holistic healing practices and how they may help you.


Chances are you’ve had a co-worker or friend who has suffered from such terrible headaches that they’ve gone to get acupuncture—and now swear by it. The process of using needles to stimulate key areas of the body to release energy was actually founded in China many years ago. A 2005 study in the British Medical Journal determined that the use of acupuncture was actually able to reduce the number of tension headaches in patients by almost one-half. The treatment is also more generally thought to help ease chronic pain, especially in cancer patients when used in conjunction with other therapies.


In this treatment, an expert applies pressure from their fingertips on certain points on the body similar to that in acupuncture. A 2011 study’s findings showed that along with other treatments, acupressure was effective in treating those with mild traumatic brain injury. In this particular study, a type of treatment called jin shin was used in which there are acupressure pressure points along the meridians through the body that are linked with energy pathways. It’s believed that different meridians are attached to different organs and body parts, including the brain.

“Think of the meridians as freeways and the pressure points as towns along the way. When there is a traffic jam in Denver that causes adverse effects as far away as Boulder, clearing the energy blocks, or in this case traffic jams, helps improve flow and overall health,” says Theresa Hernandez, the head author of the study. After studying 38 test subjects, Hernandez and the rest of the team found that those with a minor brain injury who were treated with acupressure did significantly better on memory-related tests.


Aromatherapy harnesses our sense of smell to calm the body. By breathing in different essential oils, our body can actually feel a sense of calm in both the brain andbody. One key study shows that lavender can be an effective sleep aid, even for those suffering from insomnia. The study looked at 79 Fitbit-wearing college students with self-reported insomnia and compared lavender oil patches plus sleep hygiene education versus sleep hygiene education alone. The group that used lavender plus sleep hygiene reported improvement in sleep quality and the feeling of waking up refreshed.

Peppermint is another popular essential oil that is said to instantly increase energy and mental alertness, cure nausea, and aid digestion.

Ayurvedic Medicine

Also called Ayurveda, this system of medical beliefs has been a traditional method of medicine in India for more than 3000 years, and most practices have actually been passed down by word of mouth. For this specific type of medicine, interconnectedness among people and their environment is stressed. It specifically utilizes herbs, metals and unique diets as a treatment for health issues, but studies have not proven either its effectiveness or safety from a Western standpoint (for example, ingesting some metals improperly can make you sick). The Western POV is that Ayurvedic medicine can be helpful, but you should consult a trained practitioner for guidance.


This lesser-known practice involves soaking in hot and cold baths to heal ailments—it often involves salty water from places like the Dead Sea or from sulfur springs. The idea is that the absorption of the water or components of it (like sulfur) fight illness in the body. Although most studies are inconclusive as to its effectiveness, one study shows it may help those suffering from fibromyalgia.


This practice revolves around how the body’s structure—usually the spine—affects the rest of your body’s functions. Oftentimes, spinal adjustments or tweaks are made to alleviate pain in other areas. Researchers believe chiropractic may treat a variety of ailments including low-back pain, asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome, and headaches. A 2013 study found that chiropractic therapy decreased pain and improved function in patients 18 to 35 when used alongside standard medical care.


Naturopathic medicine is a combination of traditional methods and approaches from 19th-century Europe that “heal” with nature. This practice looks to dietary and lifestyle changes, taking herbs and dietary supplements, and using acupuncture and exercise to keep your body healthy. No specific studies prove the overall effectiveness of naturopathy, but it’s believed to help with migraines, diabetes, asthma, and depression, among other things.


This is a Japanese method for relaxation that relies on the concept that a “life force energy” flows inside of us, which is why we are alive. The belief is that when the energy is low, we are weak and unhealthy, but when it is high, we have a larger probability of being healthy and finding happiness. Reiki is a form of healing—a practitioner places their hands on or near a person’s body to eliminate the negative energy that causes us to feel sick. A study in Research in Gerontological Nursing found that Reiki was successful in improving symptoms of pain, depression, and anxiety in older adults residing in community housing.7


Reflexology revolves around applying pressure to certain points on the feet, hands, or ears. These reflex points are thought to specifically connect to organs in our body. It’s believed that pressing them helps to keep us healthy (for example, when a practitioner places their thumb on a certain part of the foot, it’s thought to help bladder function). Reflexology is linked to treating cardiovascular problems, PMS and sinusitis, among other things. One study found that 55 percent of patients experienced relief for their headaches and migraines through the use of reflexology.