8 Good Breakfast Ideas to Start Your Day Right

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it provides us with all the essential energy that we require in a hectic working routine. But many people skip breakfast without considering the shortcomings it can bring to their health. It is vital to follow good breakfast ideas to keep yourself healthy and fit. Research has shown that people who skip breakfast have a low energy level and cannot focus on work for long hours. Breakfast provides fuel to the brain, energy to go through the day, and keeps the body metabolism high. A high-protein breakfast keeps you satisfied for a longer time and aids in giving a nutritionally complete diet. A good breakfast also helps one maintain a good weight, which translates to being happy with our shape and size. In this article, we have discussed some good breakfast ideas that are important to make your first meal the most pleasing meal of the day.


Having eggs at breakfast can be the most nutritious and protein-filled meal for your hectic routine. Eggs are easy to prepare and can be severed in various forms. You can have it as an omelet, hard-boiled, half fried, soft boiled, or even poached. Eggs help sustain your energy levels and are an old method of controlling your cholesterol level. Eggs tend to be relatively inexpensive and are a great source of protein. They are a common source of choline that helps with brain development and improving your memory.


A glass of milk is surely the most important component of a healthy breakfast. Milk offers you with a good dosage of vitamin D and calcium. Moreover, milk is a rich source of vitamin A and B. They help in reducing hypertension and helps to improve your immune system. Milk contains calcium that is chiefly required for healthy bones and teeth. Milk can also lower your risk of developing colon cancer, cholesterol. Milk is a good source of protein as it contains essential amino acids and is essential for complete brain growth. It also keeps the enzymes in your digestive system functioning normally and helps the body process sugars and fats.


Fruits are a good source of vitamins and surely the main component of a healthy breakfast. Having fruits as a regular part of the breakfast can make you good resistance against diseases and other health problems. They are a really good option for people who suffer from fluctuating cholesterol levels as they have low caloric content. Fruits like banana and guava help in reducing the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. Fruits contain simple sugars that are easily digested by the body and help in controlling obesity. Having milk in your breakfast makes your blood sugar rise more slowly throughout the day, providing you energy for the whole day.


Choosing oatmeal for your breakfast can make it the most important meal for a hectic day. Oatmeal is delicious and can be prepared even when you are getting late for your office. They are a good source of carbohydrates, proteins, and iron. Moreover, it contains essential vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals required by the body for a long working day. Oatmeal comprises soluble fibers that are quite beneficial in reducing high blood pressure. These soluble fibers are good for controlling blood sugar levels and a must recommendation for diabetic patients. Oatmeal is a low-calorie diet, so it helps in reducing the risk of heart attacks.

Soy products

When you are looking for a breakfast that is high in protein content and healthy as well, soy products are the best option to go for. These products are free from cholesterol contents and are low in carbohydrates, fats and calories. In the modern world, you will find soy products with a wide range of options to choose from. Generally, these products are precooked and can be stored in your freezers for a longer period. These products are gluten-free and can be used by people with coeliac disease. Soy products are a good source of vitamin B and comprise of essential minerals like phosphorus, zinc, iron and manganese.


Your normal breakfast can tremendously change its attributes with a small content of honey in it. Honey can be a great replacement for sugar in your breakfast. Honey is good for skin and hair, thus an important component of beauty products. It is rich in vitamin B that is required of the proper functioning of the body and mind. Honey even contains thiamin, niacin and riboflavin that help in the proper digestion of the food. If you live in cold areas and suffer from a sore throat, honey can be an ancient remedy for you.


Most of us, especially kids hate vegetables on their plates of breakfast, but the benefits of vegetables are numerous. Mostly all vegetables are a good source of phytonutrients and fibers, maintaining the digestive system healthy. They are even recommended for healthy skin and hair. Boiled vegetables are good for health as they are low in calorie content and help prevent diseases like vision problems, stomach problems, or heart problems. Vegetables are the perfect food as they are very low in fat and calories and provide us with the energy we need to make it through a busy day. They have the unique ability to make your immune system healthy and help you with protection from innumerable diseases and health problems.

Fruit juices

A healthy breakfast can never be complete without a glass filled with fresh fruit juice. It’s important that you include fruit juices in your daily breakfast as it helps you absorb all the nutrients from your breakfast. If you are not comfortable with fruit juices, orange juices (the citric acid can be a common cause of acidity), you can always opt for vegetable juices. They are balanced with some essential oils, protein, and a bit of chlorella. Fruit juice helps boost your body’s immune system and surely helps relieve arthritis pain and decrease your heart attack risk. It is a good option for breakfast if you are suffering from obesity.