Exercise Tips on How to Get Rid of Double Chin

Double chin is a problem for many women. They want to get rid of it and get back their beautiful and lean face. Now, this is not difficult. Through our tips and exercises on how to lose a double chin, you can be successful in getting rid of it in a few weeks. These exercises are for exercising the mentalis and platysma. These are the two muscles that should be flexed if you want to eliminate your double chin. Daily exercise of these muscles will help you in eventually toning your chin area and making it firm.

Causes of double chin

The first step in order to lose your double chin is to get knowledge about it. When you know what causes these fatty chins to form, you can take proper steps to prevent them and even lose them.

  1. Fat deposition: the most common of the reasons due to which double chin forms is because of excess fat deposits under the chin. When you eat too much fat and are gaining weight drastically, your face would get affected and you will get some fat on your face too including your chin.
  2. Genetics: double chins are also formed due to hereditary problems. If your parents or someone in the family has it, then the likelihood is that you have it due to heredity. Unfortunately, if this is the case, then it is very difficult to lose it and you should get used to your face with a fatty chin.
  3. Age factor: double chins are also formed because of aging. Especially women get double chins when they age as their skin loses its elasticity after the age of 40.

The methods to get rid of your double chin depending on your reason of why you have it. After analyzing your reason, you can then look for its solution.

The Exercises

Among the many exercises for toning the muscles in your chin, this is one of the most effective. The steps for this exercise are:

  1. Stand up and tilt back your head. Do it slowly so that you have your face tilted towards the ceiling.
  2. When you’re facing the ceiling, pucker your lips and make a gesture as if you are kissing the ceiling. Keep this position for about 5 seconds. Repeat this exercise five times.

There is another set of steps you can use for exercising your chin muscles.

  1. You can be sitting or standing for this exercise. First of all, pull straight your spine straight up. While doing this, lead the movement with the chin. Then rotate your head, starting from one shoulder and finishing at the other.
  2. Perform this exercise slowly, without jerking your muscles. Your movements should be slight and precise. If you have neck problems that don’t allow you to do this full roll, do a semi-circular roll movement. Repeat the full roll 3-5 times.

For this third exercise, perform these steps:

  1. Sit on the floor in an Indian position. Put your left hand on the floor so that your fingers are facing downwards. Your fingers should be about ten inches away from your hip. Take care not to lean on and put pressure on your fingertips.
  2. Raise your right hand so that the palm faces your right cheek. This will bring your right hand to an extended position. Bend your hand at elbow, moving towards your left ear and grasping it, using your right palm.
  3. This will bring your head and neck in an aligned position.
  4. Without disturbing this alignment, bend your head in the direction of your right shoulder. While you are still grasping your ear, apply a little gentle pressure. Take care not to strain or push the neck downward.
  5. Taking your fingertips off the floor, place them on the upper area of the left arm. While your head is still bent towards the right shoulder, gently pressure the left arm. Stay in this position till you count from 1-5 or 1-10.

Among the many exercises that help in reducing double chin, yoga is also beneficial. It involves the reduction of fat from the face, along with the peace of mind through meditation. According to the philosophy of yoga, a person’s age is not judged by the number of years he has lived, but by his body posture, the firmness, and toughness of his skin and other body parts. Thus, according to this philosophy, a person with a double chin is not considered young, even though he is a teenager.

One of the most important thing that is required while doing yoga for reducing double chin is not to sleep on a soft bed, and neither to keep a soft pillow under the head. The softer the bed is, the more fat deposits will occur on the body. A hard bed is required to sleep on while doing such double chin exercises.

  1. One yoga exercise is to sit comfortably on an armchair, with the face facing towards the ceiling. Slowly move the face on the right, and then slowly move on the left. Make sure the area under the chin is being stretched while you do this exercise. Since it is yoga, it is important that this exercise is performed very slowly.
  2. Another exercise for reducing a double chin is to look up to the ceiling and stretch the neck. Then tap the area under the chin with your fingers. You may start off with tapping slightly, but then slowly and gradually you need to stretch the skin more and tap with your fingers with greater intensity. You may also increase the time interval of doing this exercise. Try practicing this on a daily basis, and you will surely notice some great effects.
  3. Other yoga postures for reducing double chin include lying down on the chest, with the back facing the sky and your hands below the chest. Then stretching your face upwards, trying to move the face upwards and backward. This also stretches the muscles under the chin and helps in toning the area.
  4. Strange, but true, pulling out the tongue with full force and stretching the whole face as much as possible and holding it for a few seconds also helps in reducing fat. This exercise can be practiced in front of the mirror.

The benefits of doing yoga are many. It not only tones the body and face but also gives the skin a radiant look and makes a person live a longer and healthier life.

In doing all these exercises for reducing your double chin, you need to keep the rest of the facial muscles relaxed. It means those muscles you are not using in this exercise. Use these exercise tips on how to lose a double chin and see the results for yourself as you become prettier and more attractive. These exercises will surely bring out the real beauty of you.